- Research Project {{data.S ? data.S.sum : 0}}
- Patent {{data.P ? data.P.sum : 0}}
- Technology Transfer {{data.T ? data.T.sum : 0}}
- Thesis {{data.R ? data.R.sum : 0}}
Korea's leading ship and offshore plant research institute, KRISO
Leading technological innovation in the field of ships and maritime industry to address the current issues of the country and society and contribute to the realization of a powerful global maritime country.
Reinforcing the competitiveness of the country’s major industry by developing highly efficient environment-friendly ship technologies
Creating innovative maritime growth engine through the development of future offshore plant technology
Leading the maritime Fourth Industrial Revolution through digital convergence technology innovation
Realization of safe and clean maritime environment by developing technologies to prevent and counteract maritime accidents
Advancement to become the world’s most comprehensive research institute in ship and maritime technology to help Korea to become a powerful global maritime country