KRISO spurs development of floating offshore wind turbine system
KRISO spurs development of floating offshore wind turbine system- Proposal selected for “Development of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine System”- □ The Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering (President Booki Kim; hereinafter “KRISO”) announced on March 22 that it was selected to participate in the “Development of an 8㎿ Floating Offshore Wind Turbine System,” organized by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. * Participating institutes (11): KRISO, Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction, Institute for Advanced Engineering, Samkang M&T Co., Ltd., Korea Maritime Consultants Co., Ltd., Seho Engineering Co., Ltd., Jeju Energy Corporation, Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd., Gyeongnam Technopark, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, Gyeongsangnam-do Province □ The project will receive a government fund of 27 billion won up to April 2025 to develop Korea’s first ㎿-class floating offshore wind turbine system. The system will be commercialized after undergoing offshore tests, thereby laying the foundation for the commercialization of offshore wind turbines. □ Four consortiums of cities and provinces nationwide, including Jeju and Gyeongsangnam-do Province, were selected for the first phase of the project. Based on the results announced in February this year, one consortium was selected to proceed to the second phase. □ The first phase involved research on the design criteria of the floating wind turbine system and identification of optimal candidate sites. The second phase will focus on the development of floating wind turbine system design technology, offshore operations, and establishment of a commercial complex. □ KRISO will provide testing infrastructure and operational support for the floating wind turbine system, and its offshore testing site in Yongsu-ri, Jeju, pre-established with the support of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, will be utilized for operations. □ The offshore wind turbine testing site is the first in Asia, and the world’s seventh grid-connected* ocean energy system. It will save time and cost (certification, acquisition of long-term environmental data, submarine cable installation cost, etc.) of wave power generation (including floating wind power and wave-wind power generation), and can also be used to test other marine equipment and underwater data sensors. * Grid connection: Connecting two or more power systems to send and receive power □ KRISO will also utilize its deep ocean engineering basin to perform scaled-down model tests and performance evaluations, and actively participate in the design and analysis of floating wind turbine structures to support the commercialization efforts of local companies. □ Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction, the organizing institute behind the consortium, will be responsible for developing the 8MW offshore wind turbine. Meanwhile, local governments and companies will develop the floating body and floating wind turbine complex. □ Booki Kim, president of KRISO, said, “Research on renewable energy has been gaining ground with the implementation of carbon neutral and green new deal policies. Floating wind turbines are being actively developed for the open sea. We hope to play a leading role, not only in the development of the floating wind turbine system, but also in other sources of renewable energy, so as to set Korea on the path to carbon neutrality.”
작성자 최고관리자
Date 2021/03/22
Hit 1766