KRISO, setting out to provide intensive support for the commercialization of eco-friendly ships
KRISO, setting out to provide intensive support for the commercialization of eco-friendly ships▶ With the launch of the Full-cycle Innovative Eco-friendly Ship Technology Development Project Group ▶ Aims to proactively respond to international environmental regulations as an organizer of the demonstration project, marking a turning point for the industry▶ Has secured a sea route for demonstration projects at the research base for eco-friendly ships in Mokpo, Jeollanam-do / Plans to establish a full-cycle support system for the development of eco-friendly ships based on Industry-University-Research Institute collaboration□ The Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering (KRISO, led by President Booki Kim) is taking proactive measures to respond to international regulations on ship greenhouse gas emissions, using eco-friendly ships.□ On July 18, KRISO announced that it had been selected to be an organizer of the demonstration project led by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries as part of the Full-cycle Innovative Eco-friendly Ship Technology Development Project which passed the preliminary feasibility test last year.□ The Full-cycle Innovative Eco-friendly Ship Technology Development Project is a 254 billion won project jointly led by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (Minister Seung-hwan Cho) and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (Minister Chang Yang Lee). The project aims to develop technology to respond to international regulations on ship greenhouse gas emissions, and further, to achieve commercialization by 2031, ten years from this year. This is the largest national R&D project ever in the history of the country's shipbuilding and marine industry, and thus is expected to make a significant contribution to achieving international ship greenhouse gas emission regulations, and the carbon-neutral goal of the marine industry.□ KRISO is planning to develop, jointly with the Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute, Jeollanam-do, and Mokpo-si, test and evaluation technology for the 30-MW electrical propulsion system, which is among the world's largest scale systems. The technology, once developed, will be operated in KRISO's research base for eco-friendly ships in Mokpo, Jeollanam-do, which is to be completed by 2024. This technology will then be applied to test and evaluate not only coastal ships but also large-scale merchant ships, vessels, and even the core technology of wind power generation.□ Further, the prototype development of 2.2-MW eco-friendly, alternative-fuel technology demonstration ships, under development for the first time in the world, as well as the commercialization, distribution, and promotion of electric passenger and vehicle ships under development, will also be implemented in collaboration with KRISO's research base in Mokpo. These efforts will lead to the establishment of a one-stop system that will encompass the entire course of operation, from the development, evaluation, and demonstration of key technologies of eco-friendly ships, to track record acquisition. KRISO expects that this will mark a turning point in efforts to promote regional development while restoring the growth momentum of mid-market companies, SMEs, and ventures in the shipbuilding and marine industry.* K-GTB: KOREA(KRISO) Green Ship Test-bed□ At the inauguration ceremony of the Full-cycle Innovative Eco-friendly Ship Technology Development Project Group on July 15, Hee Jin Kang, a principal researcher who leads the eco-friendly ship demonstration project, said, “Given that the commercialization of developed technology into products is the prerequisite for the implementation of R&D projects to respond to regulations, we will make sure to closely cooperate with relevant local government agencies, institutions, and corporations to serve as a driving force for technological advancement and eco-friendliness in the shipbuilding industry going forward.”□ Booki Kim, the President of KRISO, said, “When it comes to eco-friendly ship technology, among the most important tasks to be undertaken are a series of processes of demonstrating relevant technologies using small- and medium-sized ships operating in coastal waterways while accumulating their track records to extend the scope of their application to include large-scale ships. We will make the most of the key infrastructure and technologies under development by our institute to ensure that the Full-cycle Innovative Eco-friendly Ship Technology Development Project is firmly positioned as the country's best flagship project dedicated to the development of eco-friendly ship technology.”
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Date 2022/07/18
Hit 626