KRISO to collaborate with three shipbuilding companies and related businesses
KRISO to collaborate with three shipbuilding companies and related businesses in development of core technology for ship URN reduction- Breakthrough for shipbuilding industry with KRISO’s active support -- Investment of 5.8 billion won up to 2023 to develop new technology in response to noise regulations -□ On September 1, the Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering (KRISO) announced that it has started development of technology to monitor and reduce Underwater Radiated Noise (URN) from ships in response to regulations on marine environment protection established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).□ URN refers to noise emitted underwater from machines and propellers of ships. With the recent increase in maritime transport leading to larger and faster ships, URN has become a serious issue. URN from ships disturbs the underwater ecosystem, and causes harm to whales and other marine mammals.□ Against this backdrop, international organizations including IMO are discussing regulations concerning URN from ships. In the 74th session of IMO’s MPEC, the need for development of technology related to URN was highlighted. With the worldwide implementation of marine environment regulations and shift in paradigm to eco-friendly ships, industries are working to develop core technology that meets regulatory standards.□ In line with this change in paradigm, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy has launched a project to develop technology for monitoring and reduction of URN from ships.□ As the organizing institute, KRISO will lead the project, which will receive 5.8 billion won (4.8 billion from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, and 1 billion from the private sector) in funding for three years and six months up to 2023. The list of companies, research institutes and universities participating in the project includes Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering, Hyundai Heavy Industries, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, Samsung Heavy Industries, Hyundai Mipo Dockyard, HMM Ocean Service, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (KIOST), and Pusan National University.□ The purpose of this project is to develop technology to monitor URN emitted by ships, and to reduce noise from ship propellers, which are a main cause of noise.□ This project will be important in securing market competitiveness related to URN technology, which is one of the most recent developments in the shipbuilding industry.Overseas ship classification societies have enacted URN certification policies. Due to the heightened interest in URN technology, the United States, Canada, and European countries are establishing measures at the government level. In particular, the EU is supporting major research and development projects concerning URN from ships.□ Through this project, KRISO expects to enhance the competitiveness of low-noise ship design, contribute to the protection of the marine ecosystem, and drive advancements in shipbuilding technology. The institute plans to address weaknesses of local shipyards, and secure a strong position in the low-noise ship market by developing URN reduction technology.□ Won-ho Joo, director of the Advanced Research Center of Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering, said, “Ship owners have requested URN reduction technology of various forms for eco-friendly ships. The URN monitoring technology, which utilizes on-board measurement data, and propeller noise reduction technology will meet the requirements of IMO’s marine environment protection policies, and significantly improve the competitiveness of the shipbuilding industry.”□ Booki Kim, the president of KRISO, said, “Ship URN reduction technology is a game changer that allows preemptive response to IMO’s environmental regulations. At the same time, it will elevate Korea’s status in shipbuilding technology. As the only government-funded research institute in ships and ocean engineering, KRISO will actively support related industries with its research personnel and major facilities, thereby securing URN reduction technology and enhancing the international competitiveness of Korea’s shipbuilding industry.”□ He added, “The proposed technologies will be available for joint utilization not only by participating companies, but also small and medium-sized shipyards as requested by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and industries.“□ Before the launch of this project, KRISO organized technology collaboration meetings with three shipbuilding companies that were facing difficulties due to the economic depression following the outbreak of COVID-19. With KRISO setting the stage for local shipyards to secure technological competitiveness, related businesses are looking forward to participating in the project and overcoming the economic downturn. <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p>
작성자 최고관리자
Date 2020/09/02
Hit 1580