KRISO Accelerates Construction of Korea’s First Offshore Unmanned System Testbed Infrastructure
KRISO Accelerates Construction of Korea’s First Offshore Unmanned System Testbed Infrastructure in Saemangeum, Leading the Future of Ocean Industries.▶Public, Private, and Military Sectors Collaborate to Build Korea’s First Offshore Unmanned System Testbed Infrastructure ▶Completed the drafting of test evaluation procedures for offshore unmanned systems and detailed design of the offshore testing facilities □ The Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering (President KeyYong Hong, KRISO) announced its full-fledged engagement in the construction of Korea’s first offshore unmanned systems demonstration infrastructure in the Saemangeum district as part of the Offshore Unmanned Systems Demonstration and Evaluation Technology Development Project. □ With recent growth in global demand for unmanned offshore systems, supported by the development of marine resources, growth of the offshore unmanned mobility market, and unmanned automation of the naval forces, the need for objective testing, evaluation, and certification is also increasing. However, Korea currently lacks the demonstration testbed infrastructure to carry out safety and effectiveness validations of such systems within the country. □ To address this issue, KRISO is currently engaged in the Offshore Unmanned Systems Demonstration and Evaluation Technology Development Project, with the support of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Gyeongsangbuk-do province, Pohang City, Jeollabuk-do Special Self-Governing Province, and Gunsan City. The project aims to develop the testing and evaluation technologies for unmanned offshore systems and to build the testbed facilities to establish a publicly certified testing and evaluation framework and provide a one-stop certification service. In particular, the project includes the development of a performance verification system based on coastal demonstration testing facilities and technological support for companies via an open-lab platform. □ In collaboration with the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), KRISO established a technology validation framework by developing 10 testing and evaluation procedures for unmanned ocean surface vehicles, underwater robots, and unit modules during its second year of the research project. Based on these testing and evaluation procedures, detailed testbed facility designs were developed for the coastal waters of Saemangeum and offshore areas near Pohang, Gyeongsangbuk-do. □ KRISO also established a public-private-military collaborative body together with the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, the Navy, Korea Coast Guard, private companies, research institutions, and local governments, where technologies for testing unmanned surface vessels and underwater robots were prioritized with the testing and evaluation methods agreed, ensuring credibility and objectivity in the process. □ By 2026, KRISO aims to complete the construction of an integrated testing and evaluation control center for unmanned systems as well as berthing facilities in the Saemangeum region. Once complete, pilot operations will enable systematic verification and performance improvement of offshore unmanned systems, solidifying the foundation for commercialization. □ “The Saemangeum coastal testbed will serve as a launchpad for the development and commercialization of future unmanned offshore systems. Through the development of cutting-edge technologies, including deep learning-based target detection and identification, obstacle avoidance, swarm operation technologies, and performance validations, we aim to enhance the global competitiveness of Korea’s marine sector,“ said Kim Ki-Hoon, a principal researcher for KRISO’s Ocean and Maritime Digital Technology Research Division.
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Date 2024/12/20
Hit 278